Workiing with THET to develop principles for partnership working, virtually. 


Practices and experiences of European frontline nurses under the shadow of COVID-19

First published: 03 March 2022

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Podcasts, Publications and Presentations

NHS@2030 Leadership Podcast

In this episode Ben talks to two people behind an innovative initiative to develop the next generation of primary care leaders. The NHS@2030 programme was developed under the auspices of NHS England, the Thames Valley Strategic Clinical Network and the Thames Valley and Wessex Leadership Academy with the intention “…to grow individual confidence, courage and the conviction to transform care, and establish a system of continuous quality improvement for patients and primary care teams alike” In fact, the content of the programme was a co-production with its participants. To hear all about the programme and how this co-production process works, Ben talks to Marion Lynch from NHS England South and former CCG Chief Executive Alan Webb.


Human Story Theatre

April 2020. Podcast. Human Story Theatre. Why Marion commissioned and contributed to DRY- a play exploring alcoholism & contributing to changes in drinking behaviour and service provision.


Oxford University Personalised medicine interview

Personalised Medicine: the promise, the hype and the pitfalls, a short interview with Marion Lynch


Medical Humanities and Narratives

Part of the Knowledge Exchange project (Compassion and Healthcare) discussing "Medical Humanities and Narratives" Interview with Marion Lynch


Publications & Conference presentations

Thrilled to have the research exploring European Nurses' experiences of COVID included in the International Council of Nurses Conference 2021.

Nurses. COVID. 2020/2021

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May 2020 Blog.

Charity Trustee. Paintings in Hospitals. The images of nurses and nursing



Feb 2020 Blog. NHS

As Leadership Consultant and Deputy Director on NHSE Website


Jan 2020.

Featured as magazine article A Nurse to the World. Feature Article


Blog. Charity Trustee.Paintings in Hospital.

Going with  Flo


2019 Presentations. Ministry of Health QI National Conference.

Conference Presentations




Updated 2018 (First edition 2014) GP e module Holistic Approach Lynch M


2018 GMC Impact if CPD. Case Study 16. Lynch M and Mcfeteridge N 


2018, Isle of Wight Trust Board Papers. Report on design and delivery of Multi-professional Culture and Leadership programme for Health, social and third sector


New Horizons presentation Strategic Clinical Networks conference


2018 Patient feedback in Revalidation. Contribution to theory and workshops


2018 contribution to Parliament Review on nursing workforce


2017 Six thought leaders give their thoughts on the future of primary care - Dr Lynch 


2017 Safer care patient checklist: a co-designed intervention to promote safe, high-quality practise and improved outcomes

University Hospital (project lead mentor)


2017 Improving the reporting, learning and sharing of patient safety incidents in primary care.(project mentor)


Improving colorectal cancer referrals. (Project mentor) Acknowledgement 


2017 Conference Presentation. The art of caring


2015 Developing dementia friendly GP Surgeries (Project mentor)


2014 Assessment. Review of Sheffield Medical school - As  GMC Assessor


2013 Publication. Building a clinical leadership community to drive improvement: a multi-case educational study to inform 21st-century clinical commissioning, professional capability and patient care. Marion Lynch et al. Educ Prim Care.2013 Jan.


2009 Book Chapter. Essential GP Training Book



2009 Clinical Leadership Fellowships presentation



Lynch M. (2017). Using mime and drama workshops to support non verbal skills development. Could it work? International Alzheimer’s Conference. London

Bennett, M. and Lynch, M. (2017). Using innovative ways to support communication. Poster. International Alzheimer’s Association Conference. Kyoto, Japan.

Lynch, M. (2017). Practice Managers Conference. Key Note Speech. Looking to the Future and learning from the past. Making Primary Care fit for 21st Century.York, England.

Lynch, M. and Bennett M.  (2016).  Making the most out of games to make the most out of safeguarding. Poster. Oxford University TORCH Conference. Oxford, England


Lynch, M. Verner, E. (2013). Original Research. Building a clinical leadership community to drive improvement: A multi-case educational study to inform 21st Century clinical commissioning, professional capability and patient care. Education for Primary Care; Special Edition on Leadership. Jan 2013.

Lynch, M. (2012) in Press Commentary on Competency and Leadership. Education for Primary Care; Special Edition on Leadership. Jan 2013.

Lynch, M. (2012) Key Note Speech. Positive asset approach to motivating people through appraisal; recognising value and values. National Appraisal and Revalidation Conference.

Lynch, M. (2012) Action research to improve GP education and spread best practise to improve professionalism, leadership competency and quality of care.  Poster. National Society for Academic Primary Care Conference. Scotland.


Lynch, M. (2012) Leadership education for the minority of GP Trainees or the majority of GP Trainees? Comparison of St3 and St4 Programmes. Poster. RCGP Conference.


Lynch, M. (2012) NHS Leadership Academy: Engaging GPs in Leadership. Poster. RCGP Conference.


Lynch, M. (2012) Using the Creative Arts to Teach: The Arts, Literature and the Narrative.  The GP Educators Handbook: Radcliffe Press. Oxford.


Lynch, M. (2012) Leadership; additional web resources Chapter 30: The GP Educators Handbook: Radcliffe Press. Oxford.


Lynch, M. Young, E. (2011) Moving GPs towards Commissioning. Buckinghamshire Pathfinder, Patient Public Engagement Pilot, What keeps you well? & Citizens Jury


Lynch, M. McFetridge, N. (2011) Practice Leaders Programme: Entrusting and Enabling General Practitioners to Lead Change to Improve Patient Experience. Permanente Journal, USA. Insert for IHI conference (Award Winner 2010) December 2010


Lynch, M. (2011) Revalidation. The Patients’ Voice is missing. Report of Discourse Analysis into Dominant Discourses at play. Presentation. Academy of Medical Educators Conference.


Lynch, M. (2011) Challenging the Epistemology of Medical Education. The Patients’ Voice in Medical Education. Academy of Medical Educators Conference.


Lynch, M. Siddique, T. (2011) The Buckingham Project The Public Voice in GP Commissioning. What Keeps you Well? Conference. Patient centredness...the heart of Medical Education Academy of Medical Educators.


Lynch, M. (2010) Commentary: Responsible Officer: Revalidation.  Journal of Evaluation of Clinical Practice. May 2010. Vol. 16, no. 2.


Lynch, M. (2010) Revalidation: Wisdom and Professionalism or a Passive Pedestrian Process?  Revalidation Conference.  Keynote Speech. Oxford.


Lynch, M. (2009) RCGP Curriculum. Holistic Approach, Person-Centred Care.  Assessed e-module for RCGP Licensing Exam, Domain Six.  An on line module for all UK GP Trainees.


Pitts, J, Lynch, M,  Mulholland, M,  Curtis, A,  Simpson, J,  Meacham, J.  (2009) Disaster planning: using an 'evolving scenario' approach for pandemic influenza with primary care doctors in training. Education for Primary Care.  Vol. 20, no. 5.  pp. 346-352 (7).


Lynch, M, McFetridge, N. (2009) Improving the Quality of Care through Education.

Hi-Quality in Healthcare Conference, Orlando, USA. Poster. (Awarded International Service Quality Award for Narrative Medicine).


Lynch, M. Mulholland, M. (2009) Disaster planning: Using an 'evolving scenario' approach for pandemic influenza with primary care doctors in training.  RCGP Conference.


Lynch, M. Mulholland, M. (2009) It’s a bit GPish: Using ‘whitespace’ narrative and complexity to improve GP registrars understanding of the person and change mindsets.  RCGP Conference.


Lynch, M. McFetridge, N. (2009) Practice Leaders Programme: Education for service improvement: Changing thinking to change culture.  RCGP Conference.


Lynch, M. (2009) Leadership and Complexity: WONCA Conference. Basel, Switzerland.  


Lynch, M. Turner, N. (2009) It’s a Nightmare: Experienced GP Appraiser Competency Assessments. RCGP Conference.


Lynch, M. (2009) Key Speaker. How to Motive Learners. National Primary Care Education Conf


Lynch, M. (2008) Using Poetry and Prose to Teach - on or off the GP curriculum? International AMEE Conference Presentation, Prague. p 318


Lynch, M. (2008) Other Ways of Seeing.  Australian Journal of Radiology.


Lynch, M. (2008) Teaching Trainees about Dementia in a Person Centred Way.  Teaching Exchange.  Journal. Education for Primary Care.


Lynch, M. (2008). How and Why do GP Trainers use Poetry and Prose to Teach? Challenging the Epistemological Underpinning of Medical Education: Conference Presentation; Ottowa International Conference on Clinical Competence, Melbourne, Australia. p226


Buckle, G. Lynch, M. (2008) Educating the Educators: Developing a University Accredited Course Suitable for all Healthcare Professionals Involved in Education. Ottowa Conf. Poster. Melbourne, Aust.


Lynch, M. (2008): Using Film to Teach.  GP Update Journal; Educational Article.


Lynch, M. (2007) How to Teach Medicine Using the Arts. UKCEA Conf.  Presentation. Brighton, UK.


Gallen, D. Lynch, M. Buckle, G. (2007) Addressing Leadership and Management Competencies in Foundation Year Two.  Clinician in Management. Vol. 15, no. 2. pp 87-93


Lynch, M. (2005) Higher Degrees for General Practitioners. AMEE Presentation. Amsterdam.


Lynch, M. Gallen, D. (2005) Higher Degrees for GPs: Supporting a Modern Prometheus or Being Complicit in a 'Brave New World'? Education for Primary Care.  Vol. 16, no. 6.  pp. 633-643(11)


Lynch, M. (2004) First Steps to Higher Degrees for General Practice Registrars: AMEE Conference paper, Barcelona. p 4.5





Gilbert A, Hockey P, Vaithianathan R, Curzen N, Lees P, (2012) Perceptions of junior doctors in the NHS about their training: results of a regional questionnaire. BMJ Quality & Safety Online; January 26, 2012


Riley B, Haynes J, Field S, (2007) Condensed Curriculum Guide. Royal College of General Practitioners. RCGP. London.

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